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Dec 27, 2015

Let me start by saying this. 

If you want to let go of an issue, you must be a part of a tribe which has members wanting the same thing and or those who have achieved it. 

By doing so, you will begin to absorb and unconsciously apply a super charged strategy for achieving your goals. 

Get the total breakdown on this...

Dec 15, 2015

I love you and want you to shine - so sign up to my newsletter and get FREE hypnosis and the latest videos weeks a head of everyone else at

It is what I call assumption.

I am NOT taking about the old adage, “Assumption makes an ass of you and me.” :-)

So what do I mean?

Well, we are...

Dec 12, 2015

Sounds strange I know, but let me tell you how your issues or stumbling blocks (your shadow) can become your biggest ally and instigator of your very own transformation. 

You can let it rule you or utilize it to the biggest tool you have.

Get more free hypnosis and coaching at  

Dec 7, 2015

Its really none of your business and thats okay!

Okay...big subject line, but one I think you will really be interested in and personally I am very passionate about this subject.

It is all too common that we can care soooo much about what people think of us as person, our abilities and our dreams in many many many...

Dec 3, 2015

I love you and want you to shine - so sign up to my newsletter and get FREE hypnosis and the latest videos weeks a head of everyone else at

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Are you sabotaging your dreams?
