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Dec 19, 2011



A gift from me to you, Christmas is a time of giving and this is a gift you will love. Within this free MP3 hypnosis/hypnotherapy download you can relax and listen to my Thoughts, Ideas, Aspirations In Health, Relationships, Career, Success, Happiness, Peace and Love for you.

Please click 'share','like' with a...

Nov 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Despite being an American holiday, the holiday itself can allow us anywhere in the world to look within us to give thanks internally and externally, for the past, the now and the future, for the material to the non material.

In this free gift (to say thank you for being a part of my...

Nov 10, 2011

Here there, Learn how you can change the way you feel instantly in this free coaching podcast.

I guide you through a process of how you can change anxiety, fear, worry, depression, or any negative feeling straight away in this powerful process. But thats not just it, as I also show you how you can increase and expand...

Nov 9, 2011

Hello from Boston, MA, USA! I'm presently on a holiday/vacation over hear, but wanted to record you a free gift to help you and others make powerful changes.

The audio quality is not as high as usual, but still good, however the main thing is the message I speak of. I believe its fundamental in make changes in yourself...

Oct 8, 2011

Joseph here, I have the most wonderful free hypnosis hypnotherapy mp3 download gift to give you.

Its very special because it was created by you, your chosen positive  affirmations and positive statements (get on the next one by joining me  on facebook and twitter).

We cover so many things for example:

Getting you to...